I'm going to Olympia this afternoon to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on a package of bills related to the growing problem of human trafficking.
Nicholas Kristof wrote an illuminating article yesterday in The New York Times that described how the Internet has become the primary marketing tool of those who "sell" young women for profit. It's not a topic we will likely raise at dinner tonight, that's for sure. But, the commercial sexual exploitation of our children demands moral clarity and a keen focus.
So what are the facts of sex trafficking in our region?
Yesterday, my office completed a compilation and review of criminal prosecutions in Seattle-King County over a 42-month period ending in August 2011. We found that 67 offenders had been charged and prosecuted over the 42 months. These 67 individuals had victimized more than 78 girls and women in King County.
We have gathered together key documents from these cases in one place so the public can gain a sense of the psychological abuse and violence committed against these women. As a warning, the documents contain graphic and disturbing information. Details on the cases and links to the case stories are available in this table.
The remarks I will be sharing with our legislators this afternoon follow the jump.