The City Council passed legislation today that
requires revenue from automated school zone speed cameras be dedicated to
traffic and pedestrian safety improvements near schools.
These cameras were installed to keep children and families safe. Establishing a dedicated fund is the most straightforward way to put the camera revenue right back into school safety. The Council’s action will bring street and sidewalk improvements to the areas close to our schools and provide driver, pedestrian and bicyclist education — all to increase safety for our kids.
The fund will take effect January 1, 2014. Earlier this month, the Council allocated $2.5 million from 2013 speed camera revenue for these types of projects and these funds can be put to use as soon as projects are identified.
The previously projected level of funding in the City’s capital budget would have led to new crosswalks, signage and other safety enhancements at only three or four schools a year. Dedicating school zone speed camera revenue to this purpose will expand these improvements to more schools, improving the safety of schoolchildren and others.
The camera revenue will also pay for administrative, operations and maintenance costs associated with the cameras and for pedestrian, bicyclist and driver education efforts. The specific amount to be appropriated from the fund will be approved during the City Council’s annual budget review process.