Lots of folks are commenting on what the final configuration of SR-520 should or should not be, especially here on the west side of Lake Washington. The Seattle Times and the Tacoma News Tribune weighed in today with strong editorials advocating a "stay the course" approach. I shared my personal opinions and where the Council stands here.
Most important, this project—in planning and design for nearly 13 years—must continue to move forward, remain on schedule and be completed within budget. That's important because the bridge is deteriorating and needs to be replaced as soon as possible. It's also important because of the bridge's importance to our regional commerce.
My colleagues and I are now engaged with state and City transportation officials to review options for the west side of the bridge. We especially want to determine how to shrink the size of the Montlake interchange, improve transit connectivity, lower the height of the over-the-water bridge across Lake Washington and nudge commuters away from single occupancy vehicles. I think these objectives can be achieved through this process of regional engagement and dialog.