The Council held a town hall meeting last night on supporting excellent city schools, how to improve the city's tree canopy, and preventing youth violence. About 35 people attended the event held at Eckstein Middle School on N. E. 75th Street.
Even though attendance was low, I found the conversation one of the most productive in my short 17 months on the Council.
The next Town Hall Meeting is Thursday, June 25 in West Seattle. The same three topics will be discussed. Dr. Gary Slutkin, executive director of Chicago Ceasefire, will be the keynote speaker.
Here's a quick summary of what I heard last night.
23% to 25% of city kids "opt out" of Seattle Public Schools, that's 1 in 4 children being diverted to private schools by their parents; the City should designate the school district as a "priority customer," wave certain procedures and regulations and provide stronger support; the City should form a closer partnership with the school district, even consider "taking over" certain support functions such as exterior landscaping, building management, and other non-academic functions.
Seattle had a tree canopy of 40% in the early 1970s, that's declined to 18% to 12% (depending on which study you believe) today; tree preservation and planting should be encouraged through positive incentives (e.g., tax credits, land use waivers, etc.); responsibility for tree issues should be consolidated in one City department; stricter regulations that prevent cutting down trees should be imposed, including the necessity of a cutting permit.
Nearly everyone in the audience had heard about the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative and was concerned with youth violence and gangs. The primary focus of our conversation was on stronger partnerships with the school district, increase city-provided security in and around schools, the value of mentorships, and the need for better job training and job opportunities for young people. The city's Initiative does provide significant funding for summer youth jobs, and the Council will be hiring several individuals to work in our offices.