The Council voted this afternoon to adopt the 2009 City budget. This document provides a summary of the various changes the Council made to the Mayor's proposed budget.
Most significantly, the Council added funding for homeless services, domestic violence and sexual assault prevention, emergency food and nutrition services,library collections (e.g., books, tapes, videos, etc.), and youth violence prevention programs.
Stopping Youth Violence
Last January and February I spoke out about youth violence and gangs in our city. Several of my colleagues on the Council have done the same. Since then, I've written extensively on this topic on my blog ( Unfortunately, this situation is spiraling downward. There was extensive gun violence in the metro area this past weekend.
The 2009 budget the Council passed today includes revisions to the Mayor's Youth Violence Initiative: adding police officers to select public schools, encouraging more police intervention efforts against gangs, increasing illegal gun interdiction efforts, and adding case management services for frequent offenders. The budget also continues funding for additional police officers, part of a multi-year effort to increase the size of the police force.
Here are some immediate steps that can save lives and reduce violence in our city.
Guns are readily available to juveniles, and they are using them to kill! This problem of illegal guns must be addressed. It is a regional problem that demands a regional and state solution. More
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