The following Email was circulated to city officials this morning by the City Clerk--
I have received a number of inquiries about how to withdraw one's name from the petition for Referendum No. 1 - disposable shopping bag fees. Those who've called have said they were "mis-led" about the purpose of the petition, and they now wished to remove their name and signature from the petition.
Withdrawal of a name from a petition is addressed in in RCW 35.21.005 (4). I've attached the RCW section for your easy reference.
In a nutshell, the person has to submit to me in writing and signed, a request to withdraw. I will accept those written requests in person, via fax and via email attachment in an image that depicts their signature (PDF, etc.).
Requests to withdraw a name have to be submitted PRIOR to the terminal date established by King County. I do not know what the terminal date is going to be but it will likely be one day early next week. I have not yet delivered petitions to King County but will probably do that this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Referendum 1 people are bringing in another batch this morning and I will take them all at once.
Call me if you have questions. JP
Judith E. Pippin, City Clerk
City of Seattle
206-684-8361"The Office of the City Clerk supports open government and the democratic process by preserving and maximizing public access to the City's official and historical records, promoting City-wide compliance with records retention law, and facilitating the legislative process."